Frequently Asked Questions

a) maintaining dissolved oxygen at 5to 6mg/l b) optimum temperature range 28°c c) maintaining the Ammonia concentration not greater than 0.5mg/l 
d)water hardness maintain below 20mg/l

 a) feed and feeding b) temperature c) dissolved oxygen d) Ammonia

4week ,1to2g 2 to 3cm. and 8week , 3to 4g, 8to 10cm

a) glossy shank b) clear eyes c) clean fluffy down feather, d) relatively quiet   e) absent of unabsorbed yolk f) absent of reddish joint on the shank

Period of time usually 4week that the chicks require external supply of heat to eliminate cold stress.

5to 10 pieces per square meter depends on age of the broiler

#Coccidiosis, bloody poo, coccidiostat
#chronic respiratory diseases , greenish poo/sneezing, tylodus
#newcastle , twisting of neck/paralysis, lasota vaccine

Lack of calcium and phosphorus